Your Donations Can Make All the Difference…

So often outdoor recreation, like skate parks, are put in underserved neighborhoods as a way to help children get outdoors and experience the health and wellness benefits of skateboarding. But, more often than not, the youth in those neighborhoods aren't provided the tools to take advantage of these resources and can't get access on their own because of the cost barrier to entry (nearly $750 or more for a board + shoes + helmet + lessons).

This is where we need you!

Help the Super Skate Posse remove the cost barrier of entry for children in woefully underserved communities nationwide. Sponsor a full kit for  one child or just donate what you can.

The breakdown of the $750:

Average cost of a complete skateboard: $125

Entry-level cost for skate shoes: $75

Average cost for a helmet: $50

Learning the basics: $500

Everyone deserves the joy that skateboarding offers.

Your tax deductible donation can help give a child the tools to push out into the world and potentially save a life.

If you are interested in larger support for or partnership in a future Super Skate Posse giveback, please reach out to us.